About Me

Just like it says above, this blog is a place were I can share treasures. A place I can share Bible verses, sermons or thoughts that have helped and encouraged me. My hope and prayer is that they will do the same for you. My name is Laura and I come from Northern Ireland but for the last 20 years I have lived in Denmark with my husband and 3 children. My husband is Danish so he is the MAIN reason for me living where I do. Our children are not so young anymore, our oldest daughter Sara is 19, our son Andrew is 17 and our daughter Leah is 13.

Sunday 20 February 2011

You want peace?

Isaiah 26, 3 says:  You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. 

Been thinking about this verse this evening. I think peace is something we all want in our lives and this verse tells us how we can have it - by having our minds "stayed" on God. 

I looked up the word "stayed" and the dictionary said "to continue to be in a place or condition."  Ummmhh Does my mind "continue" to be on God or do I let the troubles of life take my focus of Him? (I suppose I have to be honest!! haha) 
So to be honest, I do let "life" get my focus at times. 

If I have a problem what do I usually do? (Suppose you want me to be honest again!) Well,  I "continue" on that problem. I think about it, I worry about it, I reason about it, my mind gets "stayed" on my problem and what is the result? I lose my peace because my mind is not "stayed" on what it should be stayed on - GOD!! The more I focus on God, the more I think about who He is, how great He is, how much he loves me, the more I trust him. The more peace I have!!

I thought this was a good verse to start the week on. Who knows what this week will bring, who knows what  troubles and worries will knock on our door.But I know that I am going to work on my mind, on having it stayed on God and not on life. When I do my part, God does his and the natural result is peace! A peace way down, deep down in my heart:-)

Monday 14 February 2011

Part 2

Just thought I would upload the second part of the message on "What would Jesus think" for anyone interested in hearing it.  (The first part is under Sunday 13th February.)

Sunday 13 February 2011

What would Jesus think?

This morning as I lay in bed I listened to this teaching by Joyce Meyer. I was challenged and blessed...in fact I need to listen to it again!! 

I thought I would share it on here - a treasure for the heart.

(If you have never listened to Joyce before, now is your chance. I know that for years I never listened to her as I had heard many rumours about her. For years I believed the rumours. One day I decided to judge her for myself and not listen to what others said about her. To judge for myself I needed to listen to her and hear what she had to say. At first her style of preaching didn´t appeal to me, but once I got used to that what she said started to bless me.) 

What I like about her is her practical teaching, she helps you put God´s word to work in your every day life.  She is so open about her life and things she has gone through and struggled with. She herself was sexually abused by her father throughout her childhood. What God has done in her life is amazing. He has changed her, she is living on another level with God. 

I encourage you to take time and listen.....

Have a great Sunday:-)

Thursday 10 February 2011

The reason why?

I´m being challenged these days about my relationship with God. How well do I know God? Do I only know about Him or do I REALLY KNOW Him? Is there room for improvement?  

Off course, there is always room for improvement:-) No matter how close you are.

My prayer this last while has been the verse in Ephesians 1,17

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father, may give you (me) the spirit of widom and revelation, so that you (I) my know Him better!"

I really don´t want head knowledge about God I want heart knowledge! I want revelation!

I suppose the reason I started this blog is to have a place for me to write down things that I have discovered while studying the Bible. A place to gather my thoughts, share my thoughts, ask questions, examine new thoughts and to share the treasures that I find with others. 

I also have some sermons that I have shared in church at one time or another. I thought maybe it would be good to share them on here too. I was blessed and challenged as I prepared these, so maybe someone else will be too.